Tag Archives: motivation

Pushing yourself

Creating a goal and making plans to achieve that goal is exciting. Then comes the real work. You gotta get it done and turned into a reality and not just a eureka moment of an idea. And that is when pushing yourself kicks into gear. The discipline, the focus, the will power, the drive are needed to make progress towards your goal. Because success never comes to the half efforts but to those who give it their 100%.

Yes, there are so many wonderful and exciting distractions in your life. That keeping full attention on your goal can be a challenge yet kicking up that drive into a higher gear can help you weather those moments of diversion. Take me for example. I promised myself every day I will write. Be it poetry, my blog, working on my short story, or just keeping Twitter updated I will write. But life is full of “must dos” and those items seem to pop up whenever I’m gearing up to put in some quality writing time. But I work hard not to falter and I write. See, I have a goal and if I don’t write every day and if I don’t build up my poetry collection I’ll never reach my goal. So I have to push myself. Every day, no matter what.

And if you do this pushing yourself every day thing you may find that success you have been craving is a lot closer then you realized.