The many sides to writing

Writing poetry is what I do and sharing it is what I enjoy.  What I have learned is that to share poetry a poet must make a HUGE effort to introduce themselves to the world and stay relevant. Which means every day I spend time on the internet working on what I’ve learned is termed an “author’s platform”. This is a side of writing that is new for me and has proven to be challenging and rewarding.

An author’s platform is an author’s media outlet to the public. A way to stay on the minds of your fans. This can include a main website, interactive sub-websites, Facebook and MySpace pages, Twitter accounts, email newsletter, profiles on niche social networking sites, blogs, writing articles, writing book reviews, podcasts, videos, doing workshops, and even your own online talk radio show.

The goal is to connect with people most likely interested in your work. So you find out where on the net they are located and you interact with them.  The idea is to get a fan base so when your book is published you have a fan base already interested in your work.  This makes perfect sense yet it does take time. Time doing some or a lot of all the ideas I listed above. And it takes organization.

So this is what I’m working on in addition to writing my poems. I’m quickly learning this whole process requires a major commitment from me and I look forward to providing poetry that encourages and inspires others.  Poetry with a purpose is how I see it all.

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